Since 2016, University ICP Paris / École des mines Paris:
- Artists' publications
- Artists' groups, initiatives and networks during the 20th century
- Sound Art
- Art of the 20th century in Germany, France, and its transnational context
- Theories of modernity
- German Romanticism / Models of the Romantic until today
- History of the image and writing
- Art-based explorative methods of visualizing and reflecting ambiguous and informal knowledge
2016, École supérieure d'arts & médias de Caen/Cherbourg:
- Works and words by Ulises Carrión
2013-2015, Faculty of Fine Art Porto, University of Osnabrück:
- History and theories of artists' books
- Forms and subforms of artists' publications
2013-2014, Institute for Fine Art and Art Theory at the University of Cologne:
- Artistic strategies of writing
- Public and private collectors of artists' publications
2013, Institute of Catholic Theology at the University of Paderborn:
- Research laboratory on art-based methods of visualization and reflection of the effects of religious representations
2005-2011, Institute for Art History, Film Studies, and Art Education at the University of Bremen:
- Processes of knowledge creating in view of contemporary art
- Art-based strategies as modes of research
- Visualizing and reflecting aesthetic experience
- Writing at the interface between text and image
- Limits of interpretation
- Concepts of the beholder and the perception
- Constituting a public sphere in a museum
- Art education between academic didacticism and commodity fetishism